Associate Professor
Department of Global Studies and Governance,
School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Room No: 8004
Email Address: marufa@iub.edu.bd
Phone Number: Ext: 2492
Project Title: Women as a Transformative Agents: Trajectories of Women Empowerment (an IUB 2021 Sponsored Research project, whose manuscript will be deposited one year from receiving the formal notification (likely end of 2021-22 fiscal year))
Project Manager: Marufa Akter
Assistant Professor (from September 2019- till date)
Faculty of Global Studies & Governance (GSG), School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, Independent University of Bangladesh
Senior Lecturer (from July 2018- August 2019)
Faculty Bangladesh Studies, BILS Residential Semester, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Teaching Assistant (from 15 September 2017- April 2018)
BIGSSS Methods Center, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Bremen, Germany
Co-organized and instructed regular seminars on research methods for post-graduate and young PhD students
Visiting Lecturer (Summer and Fall Semester, 2016)
Department of Political Science, University of Bremen, Germany
Organized and co-taught a Post-Graduate Seminar: International Security and Human Rights (course shared with Professor Peter Mayer, University of Bremen)
Visiting Lecturer (Fall Semester, 2016)
Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
Taught an undergraduate-level course titled ‘Academic AND Professional Skills’ (APS) for the first-year students of the Department of Political Science
Co-Principal Investigator (September 2020- May 2021). Gender and Social Transformation Cluster, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, BRAC University. The project titles ‘Access to Justice during Covid-19 for Survivors of Domestic Violence’, funded by GIZ, Bangladesh
GBV Consultant (January 2019- till 2020). World Bank, Dhaka Office, Bangladesh. Worked for South Asia GBV Team and Gender Platform
Research and Program Officer (September 2012-August 2014). South Asia Secretariat for Women Parliamentarians, Centre for Gender and Social Transformation (CGST), BRAC Development Institute, BRAC University, Dhaka.
Consultant (August-September 2011) Germanwatch, Kaiserstr, Bonn, Germany
Project Associate and Media Focal Person (April 2008- April 2010) International Organization for Migration (IOM), Dhaka, Bangladesh, House: 136, Road: 13/A, Gulshan 1, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Officer. (May 2007- March 2009). Pathways for Women Empowerment, South Asia, BRAC Development Institute, BRAC University, 65 Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Assistant (Sep 2005 –May 2006). Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
2012 ‘Commitment Award 2012’ First prize winner; awarded by Willy Brandt School of Public Policy and the Engagementpreis Foundation for an outstanding social project. The project dubbed “Open Sky Class for the Street Children of Dhaka City” received a first prize cash amount of 2,500 Euros for the implementation in Bangladesh.
2010 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship for Masters in Public Policy and Good Governance (2010-2012).
2005 University Merit Scholarship awarded by the University of Dhaka for the year 2004-2005 on Master’s result: full tuition fees waiver.
PhD in political Science, 2019
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Science (BIGSSS), University of Bremen, Germany.
• Graduate Certificate Program on Peace Building and Conflict Transformation , 2014
SIT Graduate Institute, Vermont, USA.
Master of Arts in Public Policy , 2012
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, Germany
Master of Social Sciences in International Relations, 2007
Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka
Bachelor of Social Sciences in International Relations, 2005
Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka