Associate Professor
Department of English and Modern Languages,
School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Email Address: hafiza@iub.edu.bd
Phone Number: 2442
Research Profile
Dr. Hafiza Nilofar Khan |
Dr. Hafiza Nilofar Khan |
Dr. Hafiza Nilofar Khan |
Dr Hafiza Nilofar Khan |
Dr. Hafiza Nilofar Khan |
Dr. Hafiza Nilofar Khan |
Project Title: Treatment of a Wife's Body in the Fiction of Three Subcontinental Muslim Women Writers
Project Manager: Dr. Linda Piece Allen
- ENG 102 : English Reading Skills
- ENG 512 : Women in Literature
2017-2018. Instructor, Department of English Portland Community College Portland, Oregon.
2016. Conference Paper: “Rainy Day Women Khichuri: Bangladeshi Women Write Fiction in English.” American Comparative Literature Association at Harvard University.
2013-2015. Adjunct, Department of English. Southeast Missouri State. Cape Girardeau, Missouri. .2013-2015
2013-2010. Head, and Assistant Professor. Deparment of English and Modern Languages. Independent University, Bangladesh.
2009. Lecturer. Department of English Southern Illinois University. Carbondale, Illinois. 2009
2001-2006. Lecturer, Department of English North South University Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2000. Lecturer. Women’s Studies Department. Portland State University. Portland, Oregon. 2000
Courses Taught/Field of Interest:
English Composition Courses (Eng 101, Eng 102), Research Methodology (Eng 106, and Eng 401), Introduction to English Literature, Postcolonial Literature, South Asian Diasporan Literature, World Literature in Translation, Women and Literature, Modern Drama, The Romantic Period, and Introduction to Literary Theory.
2012 Research Grant from Independent University, Bangladesh. Title: “Bangladeshi
Women Writers Writing Fiction in English.”
1995-1997 Graduate Teaching Assistantship, University of Southern Mississippi
1996 PEO International Peace Scholarship, Des Moines, Iowa
1990-1993 East-West Center Scholarship, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI
Ph.D, 2008
University of Southern Mississippi
M.A in English,
University of Hawaii
M.A in English,
University of Dhaka
B.A in English,
University of Dhaka